
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Swans night-clubbing

    Have a look at the poster
  1. Another Jim Beam WinnerJim Beam takes the Swans night-clubbing

  2. Posted by Vietnam Swans on July 23, 2007
  3. With just two days before leaving Vietnam for the Asian Champs, Jim Beam and the Swans went out to HCMC’s “4 in 1″ nightclub to do a cross promotion.
  4. The Swans were excited to be with the Swanettes again and to see our JB/Swans posters on the walls. For sure we would be the stars of the show.
  5. What a hot womanBut then, Vietnam’s hottest woman appeared and we were in danger of being upstaged. This woman was so hot, she was on fire. Literally. At one stage she began to eat some naked flame before inviting someone from the crowd to go down on her and light a cigarette in her mouth! Seriously unheard of.
  6. However, once the freak show had finished, it was time to get back to the freak sport’s fund raiser. The MC called out the winning ticket and the Swans Prez, Phil Johns, handed over the Mega Jim Beam.
  7. The winner had a huge smile on the dial. And in the words of Bill Lawry, “Why wouldn’t he be smiling?”
  8. Citing audio difficulties, we’re not sure exactly what the winner was saying or thinking but we strongly suspect he thought it was “Just the Best”. 
  10. Swans Calendar

  11. Posted by Vietnam Swans on July 23, 2007
  12. Now that we’ve got the Asian Champs out of the way, the Vietnam Swans can really get started. Here’s a taste of what’s coming up:
  13. Saturday 1 September: Vietnam Swans Vs Hong Kong Dragons, HCMC
  14. Saturday 29 September: 2007 AFL Grand Final Party, HCMC & Hanoi
  15. Saturday 6 October: Box Hill North, Narita Cup, Tokyo (an invitation has been extended to any Swans member to join the Box Hill North team)
  16. Saturday 20 October: Vietnam Swans Vs Brunei Sharks, HCMC
  17. Saturday 17 November: Vietnam Swans Vs Thailand Tigers, Hanoi
  18. As always, it’s all good.

  19. The Unofficial Scores from the Champs

  20. Posted by Vietnam Swans on July 23, 2007
  21. The Boz has posted a comment with what he says are the final scores for each of the Swans matches.
  22. (The Organising Committee over in Thailand is still to forward the Official Scores from each of the matches that were played on the day.)
  23. The Vietnam Scores according to the Boz:
  24. 1. Vietnam Vs China: 3pts – 27pts
  25. 2. Vietnam Vs Jakarta: 28pts – 45pts (Boz says this one may not be exactly correct but will be very close)
  26. 3. Vietnam Vs Bali: 19pts – 29pts
  27. 4. Vietnam Vs Thailand: 15pts – 28pts
  28.  Newy backs the Swans

  29. Posted by Vietnam Swans on July 23, 2007  Newy plays against the Swans at his own peril
  30. Self confessed international football slut, Chris “Newy” Newport, who loves to play for anyone playing against the Swans (he’s played for the Thailand Tigers and Jakarta Bintangs against us), has written to us to say, “Well done on a successful tour by the Swans. The Swans have a great bunch of guys who will succeed in future years and I personally hope that you get the guernsey for the 2008 Champs”.
  31. Newy in actionNewy goes on to add, “Great to see you guys and and I will be sure to drop into your local when I am next in Vietnam”.
  32. Newy (who, incidentally, is pictured above getting a pasting!) is a top man and is always very welcome in Vietnam both on and off the field. We also gratefully acknowledge his confidence that we could host the Asian Champs next year.
  33. But meanwhile, the Bali Geckos have actually floated an idea that in light of Bangkok’s central location and affordable living, it would make an ideal, permanent venue for the Champs. Hong Kong has concurred.
  34. The beauty about footy is that it’s never over.
  35. Stop Press: Tim Hakfoort, President of the Jakarta Bintangs has just sent an email saying “Well done to the UAE and Vietnam for joining the comp”.

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